白色乳息樱花未增删带翻译| 成都世园会正式开园 五洲奇珍异草同园竞放

来源:新华网 | 2024-04-27 15:16:59
新华网 | 2024-04-27 15:16:59

White Milk Cherry Blossoms: An Enchanting Sight in Spring

As spring approaches, cherry blossoms spread their delicate and vibrant blooms throughout the world. Among these lovely cherry blossoms, the white milk cherry blossom stands out as a unique and enchanting sight. With its pure white petals and delicate fragrance, this variety of cherry blossom adds an ethereal touch to the beauty of spring.

1. The Beauty of White Milk Cherry Blossoms
The white milk cherry blossoms, also known as the "Shira-sakura" in Japanese, are a stunning variation of the cherry blossom family. The blooms of the white milk cherry blossoms are pure white and give off a gentle, sweet fragrance. These blossoms have five petals, each delicately formed with a slight curve at the tip. When the white milk cherry blossoms are in full bloom, they create a breathtaking scene reminiscent of a fairy tale. The sight of these elegant blossoms against a clear blue sky is a true testament to the splendor of nature.

2. Symbolism and Cultural Significance
Cherry blossoms hold deep cultural and symbolic significance in many countries, particularly in Japan. They are seen as a symbol of life's transient nature and the impermanence of beauty. The white milk cherry blossoms, specifically, represent purity, innocence, and new beginnings. In Japan, the arrival of cherry blossom season is celebrated with a festival called "Hanami," where people gather under the blossoming trees to appreciate their beauty and enjoy picnics with friends and family. The white milk cherry blossoms, with their pure white petals, serve as a reminder of the fleeting beauty of life and the importance of embracing every moment.

3. Cultivation and Care
Cultivating and caring for white milk cherry blossom trees requires specific attention and expertise. These trees thrive in well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. They prefer full sunlight and should be planted in an area with good air circulation. Proper pruning is essential to maintain the tree's health and shape, as well as to promote more abundant bloom. Regular watering, especially during dry spells, will ensure the tree's overall health and vitality. With proper care, white milk cherry blossom trees can live for many years and continue to bring joy and beauty to their surroundings.

The presence of white milk cherry blossoms in spring adds a touch of elegance and magic to the natural landscape. Their stunning white petals and delicate fragrance create a serene and enchanting atmosphere. These blossoms serve as a reminder of the transience of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. So, when spring arrives and the white milk cherry blossoms bloom, take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you and immerse yourself in the wonder of nature.

  中新社成都4月26日电 (单鹏 王鹏)2024年成都世界园艺博览会(下称成都世园会)主会场,隐藏着一个微缩版的“热带雨林”:猴面包树高大挺拔,其身旁生长着一颗来自南美洲、有着“大肚子”的弥勒异木棉,一旁的非洲霸王树浑身带刺……来自五洲的热带奇树异草在植物馆奇妙相遇。


4月26日,成都世园会正式开园,图为成都世园会主会场。 中新社记者 刘忠俊 摄



  “成都世园会给人的印象是惊人的。”哥伦比亚波哥大何塞·塞莱斯蒂诺·穆蒂斯植物园经理 劳拉·海梅斯接受媒体采访时表示,园林艺术将世界各地紧密联系起来,推动生物多样性保护。

4月26日,成都世园会正式开园,图为巴西累西腓园。 中新社记者 刘忠俊 摄


4月26日,成都世园会正式开园,图为南京园。 中新社记者 刘忠俊 摄





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